Sunday, September 7, 2008


Last night I felt incredibly joyful. Its hard to explain really. It was our kickoff night at church for the new season of Discovery Village- the children's program. I'm a storyteller for K-3rd and host in the 2nd-3rd grade room. The whole church was just buzzing with excitement. They have really been promoting the Saturday night service, so we were curious as to how many kids would show up. We had a great turnout! I didn't get a final number because they just kept filing in and I got busy with other things. There had to been close to 80-100 kids there though. I'm just so thankful that I can be a part of something like this. Even if the story didn't go as well as I had hoped (like last night!) I still feel so joyful at the end of the night that we were able to tell that many kids about God and how they can know Him and grow in Him. I don't always know how to describe my feelings and joy at the end of each night in DV- but I think it would come close to this:

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